On Thanksgiving Day, Shoe Market's very own Dana May Schwister made an appearance on The Brian Lehrer show on WNYC!
If you want to jump to around 7:30 you can hear Dana represent Shoe Market!Brian Lehrer: did you know that Saturday is Small Business Saturday, the small business retail community has been doing this for a number of years to help small businesses have a chance against the dominance of the big box stores and increasingly Amazon . For a few years we have done a call in around this same time of year in the same spirit.
This year we are doing this right out of the gate as shopping season begins (as Saturday is small business Saturday) . It is a nationwide thing and we are happy to help and also with the announcement in the headlines that Amazon is coming to queens and all the ambivalence about that...

BL: Dana in Brooklyn, you are on WNYC, Hi dana.
Dana Shoe Market: Hi, thank you for taking my call, good morning, and happy Thanksgiving!
BL: You too, what do you got?
Dana: I have a shoe store in Brooklyn called Shoe Market. It is in Willimsburg. I have been retailing in Williamsburg since 1999, so we are one of the last independent businesses left. We have a great store, we sell affordable comfortable shoes because we are New Yorkers and we have to look great and be comfortable: we are getting on the subway and getting on the bike, we are walking forever..
BL: what's hot these days that fits both of these bills?
Dana: Excuse me ? BL: What is hot these days?
Dana: What is hot these days? Chelsea boots are really hot, and the Blundstone boots from Tazmania, Australia have been really popular for men and for women.
We are also having our big sale this weekend which is a buy one get one half off sale that everyone really loves. We sell accessories hats and bags as well.
BL: can i ask, since you have been around as long as you have there in Williamsburg, how has your business changed to deal with the massive on line retailers that there are now? or maybe you haven't had to ?
Dana: It happens a bit that people come in and they say : Oh, i want to try that on now but I want to go on line to see if i can get it cheaper.
BL: they say that to your face?
Dana: I don't know that they are aware I am the owner and I take it very personally, but you can't let on that you take it personally when that happens. So there is a bit of that.
But I still think people like to buy things in person, they like to see it and feel it and try it on and I know from my own experience whenI ship on line I end up returning most of it.
BL: And shoes in particular, you gotta see how they feel. I know people can return things they buy on line but shoes you gotta see how they feel on your feet.
Dana: yeah we do sell on line as well and we get a 20 to 30% return rate vs. a 1-2 % return rate from an instore sale. ..
BL: interesting . Thank you so much, what is your store address:
Dana : Thank you ! Shoe Market, 160 North 6th street brooklyn, ny 11211