About Us
Our Location
197 Bedford Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Just one block from the Bedford Avenue L train stop in Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Click here for directions via Google Maps
Store Hours: 11am to 8pm DAILY
Contact Us
Call: 718-388-8495
General inquiries: info@shoemarketnyc.com
Press Inquiries: press@shoemarketnyc.com

A Brooklyn Institution for New York's Best Dressed Feet
"Perfectly straddling the line between on-trend and "I can actually manage walking two miles in these," Shoe Market probably is stocking your next wear-every-day shoes right this second." Racked
"All of the footwear is comfortable, stylish, and made to endure ceaseless pavement pounding. Bonus: Most everything is priced under $150." Lucky
"Dubbed "the best little shoe store in Brooklyn," Shoe Market boasts a lengthy list of brands and styles for any and every occasion." refinery 29
About Us
We sell shoes for people on the streets, on the train, on the road and à la mode. We strike the balance between style and functionality and curate our selection of must-have footwear with our New York customer in mind (think shoes that can be hard on the street not hard on the feet). Shoemarketnyc.com now makes our best in class assortment available worldwide.
Who We Are

As two women biking around New York, pounding the pavement, taking boxes to the Fedex store, on our feet for twelve hours at a trade show, we need to be hella comfortable, but we still want to look down and feel happy because we love our shoes so much. We think (and argue) about every collection down to the last sandal, but when we see that perfect shoe, we know it. Does the style excite us? Is the price right? Is it well made? We’re looking for our customers to walk into the store and say, “This is my place. I want to wear these shoes every day.” That's the sweet spot we’ve been working on since we opened our first store in 1999.
We’ve grown up as businesswomen and partners, watching the city change, loving our customers, loving being in New York, loving seeing people walk around in our shoes looking as strong and fabulous as they are. The discoveries that get us excited--that brand or style that used to only be worn by nurses or Australian sheep ranchers and five years later is showing up on red carpets, or that cool designer in Sweden that no one else here is selling--that’s what keeps us poking around in every corner of the world to bring you the shoes that are going to be your favorite thing you ever put on your feet.
Love, Dana and Erika